
You poderie tener sido marenheiro, poderie tener sido cozenheiro.
Un berdadeiro amante bibo, poderie tener sido un libro.
You poderie tener sido ua tabuleta, poderie tener sido un reloijo.
Tan sencielho cumo un tacho, rijo cumo ua peinha.
You poderie ser
Eiqui i agora
You serie, you debie ser
Mas cumo?
You poderie tener sido
Ua dessas cousas purmeiro
You poderia tener sido
Ua dessas cousas purmeiro.

You poderie tener sido l tou pilar, poderie tener sido tue puorta
You poderie tener quedado al sou lado, poderie tener quedado por mais.
Poderie tener sido la tue státua, poderie tener sido tou amigo,
Toda ua bida cumprida poderie tener sido l fin.
You poderie ser tou tan berdade
You serie, you deberie ser atrabés i atrabés
You poderie tener sido
Ua dessas cousas purmeiro
You poderie tener sido
Ua dessas cousas purmeiro.

You poderie tener sido un silbote, poderie tener sido ua fraita
Un berdadeiro dador bibo, poderie tener sido ua bota.
You poderie tener sido ua tabuleta, poderie tener sido un reloijo
Tan sencielho cumo un tacho, rijo cumo ua peinha.
You poderie ser anté mesmo eiqui
You serie, you deberie star tan acerca
You poderie tener sido
Ua dessas cousas purmeiro
You poderie tener sido
Ua dessas cousas purmeiro.

[Nick Drake, I could have been One of these things first]

Ouriginal :
I could have been a sailor, could have been a cook
A real live lover, could have been a book.
I could have been a signpost, could have been a clock
As simple as a kettle, steady as a rock.
I could be
Here and now
I would be, I should be
But how?
I could have been
One of these things first
I could have been
One of these things first.

I could have been your pillar, could have been your door
I could have stayed beside you, could have stayed for more.
Could have been your statue, could have been your friend,
A whole long lifetime could have been the end.
I could be yours so true
I would be, I should be through and through
I could have been
One of these things first
I could have been
One of these things first.

I could have been a whistle, could have been a flute
A real live giver, could have been a boot.
I could have been a signpost, could have been a clock
As simple as a kettle, steady as a rock.
I could be even here
I would be, I should be so near
I could have been
One of these things first
I could have been
One of these things first.

Este testo stá screbido cun l- an ampeço de palabra, a la moda de l Mirandés de Sendin, cunsante la 1ª Adenda a la Cumbençon Ourtográfica de la Lhéngua Mirandesa.

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